Math Making 10 worksheet / Montessori math worksheet / Make ten / Montessori snake game / addition worksheet / pdf math worksheet

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11 pages digital download.

This Montessori math material set is used to work on making 10 and introduction of addition.
Children have visual experience on making 10 by exchanged the color beads to golden bead ten

Step 1:
Child uses bead bars to copy the snake shown on the question paper.

Step 2:
Child counts the bead bars.
Exchange to ten bead bars whenever the counting hits 10

Step 3:
Count the numbers of ten bars for answer

Step 4
Child check his/her answer by matching the ten bar with the bead bars group
Each group has ten beads. This step reinforce the concept of making 10

Montessori color bead bars set for this activity can be purchased in here